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1. Period and Venue
- Period: October 28 (Wed) – November 5, 2015 (Thr)
- Venue: Mount Fuji Research Institute, Fujiyoshida, Japan, etc.
2. Outline
ACV will hold the 1st field camp to encourage learning and exchanges between Asian volcanologists. This training camp focuses on the interpretation of volcanic observation data in many fields, i.e., geophysics, geochemistry, geology, petrology, etc. Both lecturers and young scientists will share data from active volcanoes and make exercises and discussions to reveal volcanic activity. The contents will be of the level for Master and Doctor students. We expect participants from Asian (Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan) and other countries.
3. Contents
The training course includes the following topics and each slot contains both lectures and exercises, plus field observations around Fuji volcano. There will be also half a day where the participants will share a dataset or problem they are working in poster format.
4. Participation
ACV will call for the participation on the Web to the public, but the nomination from ACV member organization is requested. At this moment, the number of students will be about 20, and ACV will support the travel and accommodation fee for selected participants. Financial support from ACV member organizations is appreciated.
5. Schedule
# Oct. 28 (Wed) Arrival
# Oct. 29 (Thr) @MFRI
- Introduction & General Volcanology
- Why volcanoes erupt, magma generation, plate tectonics, magma plumbing systems
- Physical volcanology
- Introduction & General Volcanology
# Oct. 30 (Fri) Field trip around Hakone
# Oct. 31 (Sat) @Yamanakaryo
- Geophysical studies of volcanoes
- Seismology, Acoustics, etc.
- Geodesy
- Geophysical studies of volcanoes
# Nov. 1 (Sun) Field trip around Fuji
# Nov. 2 (Mon) @FujiCalm
- Geochemical studies of volcanoes: Gases, rocks, minerals
- Gas geochemistry
- Poster presentation & Discussion
- Geochemical studies of volcanoes: Gases, rocks, minerals
# Nov. 3 (Tue) @FujiCalm
- Living with volcanoes: Volcano Hazards
- Volcanic hazard evaluation
- Risk analysis
- Living with volcanoes: Volcano Hazards
# Nov. 4 (Wed)
- Closing
- Final report
- Free & Farewell party
- Closing
# Nov. 5 (Thr) Departure
6. Presenters
- Introduction & General Volcanology
- Fidel Costa (EOS)
- Caroline Bouvet de Maisonneuve (EOS)
- Tomofumi Kozono (Tohoku Univ.)
- Field trip around Hakone
- Takahiro Miwa (NIED)
- Masashi Nagai (NIED)
- Geophysical studies of volcanoes
- Benoit Tasine (EOS)
- Yosuke Aoki (ERI)
- Yuta Maeda (Nagoya U)
- Yousuke Miyagi (NIED)
- Geochemical studies of volcanoes: Gases, rocks, minerals
- Hanik Humaida (CVGHM)
- Toshiya Mori (U. Tokyo)
- Living with volcanoes: Volcano Hazards
- Shinji Takarada (GSJ)
- Eisuke Fujita (NIED)
- Sungsu Lee (VDPRC)
Lecture Materials
(For members only)
- 1-2. Physical volcanology (by C. B. de Maisonneuve)
- 1-2. Physical volcanology (by T. Kozono)
- 3. Geophysical studies of volcanoes (by Y. Aoki)
- 3-2. SAR Lecture (by Y. Miyagi)
- 4. Field trip around Fuji
- 6-1. Gas geochemistry (by H. Humaida)
- 7-1. Volcanic hazard evaluation (by S. Takarada)
- 7-2. Risk analysis (by S. Lee)