Chief Researcher
Deputy Director-General, Volcano Disaster Resilience Research Division
Geodesy, Geophysics
Education and Research History
D. in Polar Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai), Japan, Mar 2000
Apr. 2000-Dec. 2001 COE Researcher, National Institute of Polar Research
Jan. 2002-Mar. 2004 Postdoctoral Fellow of Japan Science and Technology Agency (Geospatial Information Authority of Japan)
Apr. 2004-Jun. 2007 Researcher, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
July 2007- Senior Researcher, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience
Recent Research Activities
- Development of SAR-based crustal deformation measurement technology
- Development of a database of crustal deformation information by satellite SAR (Next Generation Volcano Research Promotion Project)
- Development of a portable radar interferometer for volcano observation (Next Generation Volcano Research Promotion Project)
- Development of a method for estimating ash fall thickness using satellite SAR (2nd SIP)
Selected Publications
Ozawa, T., Y. Aoki, S. Okuyama, X. Wang, Y. Miyagi, and A. Nohmi (2019), Database of Crustal Deformation Observed by SAR: Improving Atmospheric Delay Mitigation for Satellite SAR Interferometry and Developing L-Band Multi-Type Portable SAR, J. Disast. Res. 14, 5, 713-727, doi: 10.20965/jdr.2019.p 0713.
Professional Memberships
Geodetic Society of Japan, Volcanological Society of Japan, Seismological Society of Japan, JpGU, AGU
Affiliated Fundamental Research and Development Centers
Center for Integrated Volcano Research
Research Center for National Disaster Resilience