The following two researchers related to the volcano research group of NIED have received awards from the Volcanological Society of Japan for 2023, and the award ceremony was held at JpGU2023. Congratulations to the winners!

  • Volcanological Society of Japan Research Encouragement Award
    • Takashi Hirose (NIED, now at Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University)
      Development and Operation of a Real-time Monitoring System for 50 Volcanoes in Japan Based on Seismic Interferometry
  • Volcanological Society of Japan Student Best Paper Award
    • Takafumi Maruishi (Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University, now at NIED)
      Takafumi Maruishi and Atsushi Toramaru (2022)
      Effect of bubble deformation on the coalescence of two ascending bubbles in a viscous liquid.
      Physics of Fluids, 34, 043302, doi:10.1063/5.0082506